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How many people are addicted to Facebook?
How common is Facebook addiction?
Who is most likely to become addicted to Facebook?
What percentage of people believe that they use Facebook too much?
How often do people use Facebook?
How long do people use Facebook?
What is the average amount of time spent on Facebook?
Is Facebook more popular with males or females?
What percentage of teenagers use Facebook?
On this page you will find many Facebook addiction statistics, facts about those who are obsessed with Facebook, information on how often people use Facebook, the average number of hours spent on Facebook per week, and many more Facebook addiction stats that may be very surprising.
Read on for the largest online collection of Facebook addiction statistics and Facebook stats in general.
Keep in mind that there may be inconsistencies in the stats due to the data being collected during different times / years.
Facebook users tend to be more extraverted and narcissistic compared to non-users.
The number of Facebook friends potentially hinders academic adjustment, and spending a lot of time on Facebook is related to low self-esteem.
The more frequently people go on Facebook and update their status the lower their self-esteem.
Increased Facebook use significantly predicts Facebook-related jealousy.
Related & recommended pages on this topic:
Page 1
Is Facebook An Addiction?
Page 2
The Facebook Addiction Test
Page 3
Why Is Facebook Addictive?
Page 4 (you are here)
Facebook Addiction Statistics
Facebook Addiction Disorder Help, Advice, & Tips
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PS: Yes, we realize that it may seem somewhat hypocritical to put a "Like" button on this article!
But, TechAddiction has never been about banning technology or preaching that people should not use the internet, play video games, or use Facebook. They just need to be used responsibly.
Facebook is a great way to share information and can be quite enjoyable and harmless when used in moderation, hence we ultimately decided to include a "Like" button...sound reasonable?
Facebook Addiction Statistics - Share your thoughts on the numbers.